Personal and Teams vs. US Army Organizations folders

What is the difference between “Personal and Teams” folders and “U.S. Army Organization” folders?

There are two types of top level folders within AKO/DKO. The two types are:

  • Personal and Teams
  • US Army Organization or Community

Personal and Teams Folder

Most users only have the ability to create a personal and team folders. Personal and teams folders are mainly used for personal use. They are not associated with any Army or DoD organizations.

Every user has 250mb allocated to them to upload to any personal and teams folder. You can view all the Personal and Teams folder you have access to by:

  1. Logging into AKO/DKO.
  2. Click on the ‘Files’ icon located at the top.
  3. Click on ‘Personal and Teams’ located on the left side of the page. Note: If the screen is not maximized, then you may need scroll down to see the ‘Personal and Teams’ link.

U.S. Army Organization or Community Folder

U.S. Army organization or community folders are associated with an Army or DoD organization. They are used for community purposes and to release information to a larger amount of AKO/DKO users.

When uploading to an organization or community folder, it does not take away from your personal and teams quota.

You can view all the organizations or communities available to you by:

  1. Log into AKO/DKO.
  2. Click on the ‘Files’ icon located at the top.
  3. Clicking on the ‘US Army Organizations’ link.

To learn how to obtain access to a US Army Organization or to create a new organization folder, Request a U.S. Army Organization Folder

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