AKO/DKO typically uses more bandwidth than any other NIPR site, and thus timeouts and latency issues are a frequent occurrence. They are caused by the small amounts of bandwidth allocated for NIPR by most sites. Fortunately there is an easy remedy: adjust factory MTU and TTL settings so they are optimized for WAN (Wide Area Network) connectivity rather than LAN (Local Area Network). The objective is to make the computer send smaller data chunks, and give it a longer amount of time to receive data.
If you are at work, contact your local IT administrator.
If you are at home, you can do the following:
- Select ‘Run’ in the Windows Start Menu
- Type in ‘cmd’ (*to get to the command prompt)
- A black box will appear. Type in: ipconfig /release, making sure you put a space between ipconfig and /release, and select Enter.
- Type in: ipconfig /renew and select Enter.
- Open a new web browser window and type in www.us.army.mil, making sure you are not using a bookmark or a link set up in your Favorites.
*An alternate way to get to the command prompt: in the Windows Start Menu, go to Programs, select Accessories, and then select Command Prompt.
The above steps will renew your IP address which will extend the lease time for your IP address. If an IP address gets renewed while you are currently in a session of your account, you may get a session timeout error.
How can I find out when my IP lease was obtained and when my IP lease expires?
- Select ‘Run’ in the Windows Start Menu
- Type in ‘cmd’
- A black box will appear. Type in ipconfig /all, making sure you put a space between ipconfig and /all, and select Enter.
Receiving session timeouts on AKO Webmail or Webmail 2?
AKO Webmail
The AKO Webmail timer is set for 2 hours, however if you continue to receive the “Session Timed Out” error after only a few minutes, you can contact your local system administrator to ensure the proxy server is set to allow for continuous IP connections.
AKO Webmail 2
AKO Webmail 2 has a two hour session from the time you login to Webmail 2. Theoretically, if you are logged in for a period of 8 hours, you would receive at least 4 timeouts in Webmail 2.
If you are getting session timeouts with Webmail or Webmail 2, you can follow the above steps to extend your IP lease time.
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