Auto-Forward my AKO/DKO Mail

How do I set my AKO mail to auto-forward?

To forward your AKO/DKO mail, follow the instructions below.

Webmail Classic*:

  1. Log into AKO/DKO.
  2. Click on the ‘My Account’ tab.
  3. Under ‘Mail Preferences, Click on ‘Mail Options’.
  4. Go to the ‘Select a Mail Option’ section.
  5. Select the ‘Forward Email (Non-AKO Account)’ option.
  6. Enter the address you would like your email forwarded to in the “Forwarding Address” and in the “Confirm Forwarding Address”. This forwarding address must be an official email account, as required by Army Regulation 25-2. Please review the information below for approved domains. Ensure that you have an email address listed in the “External Email Address” box as well. This can be the same as your forwarding address.
  7. Click ‘Submit’. Note: it may refresh the screen and show the same settings that were previously listed but you should see a message in blue stating “Your mail options have been saved.” You can log out of AKO/DKO and log back into AKO/DKO to confirm the changes took place.

Webmail 2.0*:

  1. Log into Webmail 2.0.
  2. Click on the ‘Options’ tab.
  3. Click on ‘AKO/DKO Account’ under the ‘Mail‘ tab.
  4. Click on ‘Forwarding.’
  5. Check the box next to ‘Enable automatic forwarding.’
  6. List an email address in the box ‘Forward to:’ Review the approved domains for auto-forwarding listed below.
  7. Click the ‘Save Preferences’ button.

*The steps for auto forward of mail for Webmail Classic will also work for Webmail 2.0.

Approved Domains

In accordance with Army Regulation AR 25-2, auto-forwarding of official mail to non-official accounts or devices is prohibited. The domains you are allowed to forward to are:

  • .mil
  • .gov
  • (Marshall Center)
  • (Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies)
  • (Partnership for Peace Information Management System)

To request a new domain be added to the approved list, view the auto-forward policy listed below:

To view AKO/DKO’s auto-forward policy:

To view the Army Regulation AR 25-2:

To view AKO/DKO’s email policy:

NOTE: You may be required to login with your AKO/DKO username and password to view these policies.

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