NO. The portal does not allow for user requests to delete or deactivate accounts. Deactivation occurs automatically for the following reasons:
ARMY UNSPONSORED Accounts: Occurs when a user has not been in the authoritative AKO database for 180 days
ARMY SPONSORED Accounts: Occurs when the sponsor rejects or does not reapprove the account
DKO UNSPONSORED Accounts: Occurs when a user has not been in the authoritative AKO database for 180 days. Also, when the password has been expired for longer than 30 days and no CAC certificates are registered to the account
DKO SPONSORED Accounts: Occurs when the sponsor rejects or does not reapprove the account. Also, when the password has been expired for longer than 30 days and no CAC certificates are registered to the account.
COMPROMISED Accounts: Occurs when an account has been locked from use due to a security violation determined to be a threat to the user’s account or the AKO/DKO portal.
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