Edit My Favorites Page

“Edit My Favorites” page

The number of favorites that are displayed has increased to 50 for all favorites types, so here’s how to edit your favorites.

To visit your “Edit My Favorites” page:

  1. Log into AKO/DKO.
  2. Click on the ‘Favorites’ drop down menu.
  3. Click on ‘Edit My Favorites’.

This will open your “Edit My Favorites” page which contains all of the information you have saved to favorites, such as AKO/DKO pages, forums, files, and external links.

Add a Portal Page

To add a link to a page within the AKO/DKO portal:

  1. Visit the page you wish to add.
  2. Click on ‘Options’ located at the top right of the page.
  3. Click on ‘Add to Favs’.

Add/Remove/Edit External Pages/Links

In the second section of the page, your external favorite links are listed. These are links that are not in the AKO/DKO portal. To add, remove, or change links within this section, click the ‘Edit’ button located at the top of the list of links. This will give you the option to add, delete, or reorder the links.

Once you are done, you will want to click on ‘View Mode’.

Add a Folder/File

Adding a folder or a file is a lot like adding a portal page to your favorites. To add a folder or file:

  1. Visit the file component you wish to add. If you are going to add a folder, do not enter the folder.
  2. Hover your mouse of the item you wish to add. You should get a “business card” for the item with some tabs or links at the bottom of the “business card”.
  3. Click on ‘Folder Options’ or ‘File Options’.
  4. Click on ‘Add to Favs’.

Add a Forum

To add a forum to your favorites:

  1. Visit the forum you wish to add.
  2. Click on the “Add to Favorites” link located at the top of the forum.

Add a Topic

You can also add a topic within forums to your favorites as well. To add a topic:

  1. Visit the forum the topic is located in.
  2. Enter the topic.
  3. Click on the “Add to Favorites” link located at the top of the topic.

Organize your Favorites

You can change the display order of your favorites now! (Feature added 26 September 2012)

  1. Open your Favorites menu
  2. Select the category you want to organize (Documents, Folders, Communities, et al.)
  3. Click the [Sort My <Favorites>…] link (Sort My Documents…, Sort My Folders…, et al.)
  4. Select the favorite you wish to reposition
  5. Click the button that reads Up to move its position up or Down to move it down.
  6. Click Save Order to save.

Remove Items from your Favorites

Removing an item from your favorites is about the same for every single section with your “Edit My Favorites” page. To remove an item from your favorites:

  1. Go to the “Edit My Favorites” page.
  2. Put a check next to the item you wish to remove.
  3. Click on ‘Remove’ within the section the item you wish to remove is located in.

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