Report Abuse

How do I report abuse within the portal?

Depending on where the abuse occurs, you may need to report it differently.


If the abuse occurs within the AKO/DKO IM, you will need to:

  1. Select the chat you wish to report abuse for.
  2. Open the drop-down box in the upper right of the page that says “Go to…”
  3. Select “History”
  4. Locate the portion of the chat you wish to report.
  5. Click the ‘Report Abuse’ button in the upper right.
  6. Fill out the required information.
  7. Click ‘Submit Report’


If the abuse occurred within a Forum topic, you will need to:

  1. Locate the topic thread that you are reporting.
  2. Click on ‘Report Abuse’ at the top of that thread.
  3. Enter information in all the required fields.
  4. Click ‘Create’


If the abuse occurred within an Email that was sent to you, you will want to forward the email to You can also report abuse directly from Webmail 2.0 from the “report spam” link.

Profile Picture

If you find an inappropriate profile picture, email with the username of the individual so we can investigate it further.

To view the AKO/DKO abuse policy, view the following document:

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